Friday, June 27, 2014

Download Wintoflash Full Version

Free Download WintoFlash Full Version Dari namanya software nya saja  sudah bisa ditebak apa itu WinToFlash(Windows To FlashDisk/Windows ke FlashDisk),WinToFlash merupakan salah satu software yang digunakan untuk mentransfer Windows ke Flashdisk,dengan kata lain kita akan menginstall WIndows melalui ini sangat bermanfaat untuk install ulang di notebook karena tidak memiliki Dvd Room
maka kita install ulang windows bisa menggunakan Flashdisk
Berikut informasi WinToFlash dari website resminya:

  • Pull the contents of a Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8 install disc and prep the USB drive to become a bootable replacement
  • Windows 32 bit and 64 bit full support
  • Support all editions of Windows - Home, Professional, Media Center, Ultimate, etc.
  • ISO, RAR, ARJ, ZIP, 7z, CAB, DMG full support
  • Transfer a Recovery CD or a tiny OS (BartPE based on Windows XP/2003, WinPE based on Windows Vista/2008/7/8) to a USB drive
  • Wipe a USB media (destroy all data on it)
  • Create a USB drive with emergency bootloader for Windows 2000/XP/2003
  • Transfer MS-DOS to a USB drive
  • Create a USB drive with Windows XP/2003 Recovery Console
  • Format USB drive to FAT16 or FAT32
  • Fine tune any option of FAT file system for better compatibility
  • Fine tune any option of partitions table
  • Select boot loader for a USB drive, like GRUB or Standard one
  • Select partition type - CHS or LBA for better compatibility with some motherboards
  • Create aswers file for Windows Setup. Add serial number, user name, etc.
  • Windows Setup transfer process fine tune
  • Check USB drive for file system errors after Windows Setup transfer process
  • Fix some Windows Setup problems, like 0x6B BSOD
  • AntiSMS function to fix boot blockers (send SMS to short number/buy something/etc. to unlock your PC problem) or viruses
  • WinToFlash is portable application, you can carry around with you on a portable device and use on any computer
  • Tranfer profiles support - save your transfer options and load it at any time
  • Windows serial number encryption in profile with password
  • Detailed log file
  • Updates reminder
  • Easy to use classic interface, like ntbackup utility
  • Wizard with only two options for quick Windows Setup transfer
  • Multilanguage support

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